Chiropractic Wellness Consultations in Canton MA

At Canton Dale Chiropractic our chiropractors offer you a chiropractic wellness care plan in Canton MA that is customized to you and your body. We do not believe that spending just 5 minutes with you is the way to promote wellness. Wellness is a state of optimal conditions for normal function. Using our wellness approach-we examine you to identify underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time). If any issues are identified -we make recommendations and help implement whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments are necessary to help you achieve normal functioning.
Consult With A Chiropractor in Canton MA

The main difference between wellness care and standard medical care is that wellness care seeks to promote your body’s natural healing ability. Wellness care does not add something to the system. Instead, it removes those things that might interfere with normal function.
In contrast, standard medical care seeks to treat a symptom by adding something from the outside, a medication, a surgery or procedure.
Our family chiropractic practice offers you a gentle, safe, effective and affordable wellness plan. We help the whole family from infants, kids, teens, and adults, to seniors. We work with your medical provider to minimize the need for medications or more invasive treatment. It is our belief that when the body is working properly, it tends to heal more effectively and be more resistant to illness.
If this approach makes sense to you then contact us today at (781) 821-0072 to set up an appointment.
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:15pm - 6:00pm
3:15pm - 6:15pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:15pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:15pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Canton Dale Chiropractic
351 Turnpike St
Canton, MA 02021
P: (781) 821-0072
F: (781) 821-0071